Mission Recherche - Call for Applications

Delphine Coindet, Prismes (n° 4), 2014
Don des amis du Centre Pompidou, Groupe d'Acquisition pour le Design, 2020

Mission Recherche, created in 2018 by the "amis du Centre Pompidou", aims to encourage scientific research on 20th and 21st century art, in order to enrich, develop and promote the Musée national d’art moderne’s collections. 

Each year, the Centre Pompidou’s curators are invited to submit art history research projects linked to the collections, in partnership with a young researcher specialised in social sciences or art history (master, PhD or above). 

All curatorial departments can be involved : modern art, contemporary are, contemporary creation and prospective, design, architecture, films, new media, documentary collections, restoration, etc. 


One to five grants up to a maximum of 10 000 € are awarded to the selected projects. These grants remunerate the reasearcher and allow extra spendings for additional materials such as documents, trips or recordings. The researcher benefits from a privileged access to the Centre Pompidou, and particularly to the Bibliothèque Kandinsky, as well as mentoring from a curator and meetings with collectors. 

Each project results in : 

- an interesting contribution to the national collections of new knowledge.

- An article published in the Cahiers du Musée national d’art moderne, translated in French or English, depending on the language of the article

- a contribution to the Research page of the Centre Pompidou’s website

- an oral restitution of the project at the end of the mission 

From its creation, the projects supported by Mission recherche are the following : 

Lydie Delahaye: Migrographia, or the show of nature, supported by Philippe-Alain Michaud, curator of the cinema collections and Jonathan Pouthier, curatorial attaché

Marjorie Ocelli: Prêt-à-monter, prêt-à-monter, Jean Prouvé’s models, supported by Olivier Cinqualbre, hoead curator of the architectural service of the Musée national d’art modern.

Jeanne Rethacker: Occultism and ritual in Camerionian art, supported by Sophie Duplaix, head curator of contemporary collections.

Léa Dreyer: Lars Fredrikson’s plastic sounds, study of a corpus of audio works and its mode of diffusion, supported by Marcella Lista, head curator of new media. 

Pauline Mari: «Films», a pionneering exhibition at the galerie Givaudan in 1968, supported by Philippe-Alain Michaud, curator of the cinema collections.

Sara Martinetti: Michel Claura's three writing acts, supported by Didier Schulman, previously head of the Bibliothèque Kandinsky 

Pia Rigaldiès: Global Tools (1973-1975), supported by Marie-Ange Brayer, head curator of the Design and industrial prospective department

Juliette Bessette: The persistance of the geodesic dome in contemporary art, supported by Jean-Pierre Criqui, curator of the contemporary collection service and managing editor of theCahiers du Musée national d’art moderne.

Anne Foucault: Diverse unknown. André Breton at the Musée national d'art moderne: pleaces, objects, figures, supported by Aurélie Verdier, curator in charge of modern collections.

Chiara Gatti: Regina Cassolo and the Movimento Arte Concreta supported by Christine Macel, head curator of the Contemporary and Prospective creation service

James Horton: Mail Art, la French connexion, Elements for a history of postal art and its french correspondants, supported by Mica Gherghescu, head of the research pole at the Bibliothèque Kandinsky.


All young researchers may submit a project directly linked to the museum's art collections and/or its archival holdings which will be, if it can be supported by a curator of the Mnam, integrated to the Mission Recherche process. 


To apply:

Send to Lara Hajar (lara.hajar@centrepompidou.fr), a complete application (document linked here) with your CV before Saturday, January 22nd, and state, if possible, the name of a Centre Pompidou curator susceptible to support the project.



If your project is confirmed by a curator, it enters the Mission Recherche process.

After a confirmation of the scientific committee, (composed in 2022 of Xavier Rey, Anne Lafont, Elvan Zabunyan, Laurence Bertrand Dorléac, Eric de Chassey, Pierre Chastang, Manuel Borja-Villel et Mathieu Potte-Bonneville, and in the presence of Jean-Pierre Criqui, Mica Gherghescu, Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov and Hélène Gheysens) the Mission Recherche patrons meet to choose which project to support.

If your project is selected, you will be informed before the end of march; your research period will be starting in april and ending in december 2022.

Please click here to download the application form