Dîner programme - Paris Noir Programme - Encounter with Raphael Barontini
With Alicia Knock, cheffe du Service de la création contemporaine et prospective
March 17
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Raphaël Barontini finds inspiration in paying homage to the legacies set by figures of historical movements for liberation. In a style of collage combining photography, silk screen printing, painting, and digital prints, Raphaël Barontini deploys a painting in movement that takes a new look at history while questioning the very status of painting in the museum and public space. Flags, banners, tapestries and ceremonial capes are superimposed to create large immersive and illuminated scenographies that question the representation of power, its ceremonial and its carnivalesque inversion. For Barontini, challenging the canon of history surrounding cultures and territories that have experienced slavery or colonization remains priority. His work establishes a “counter-history” through the depiction of heroes, both real and imaginary.
RSVP BY E-MAIL ONLY : victoire.becker@centrepompidou.fr