MR // Encounter with Aline Pighin

MR // Encounter with Aline Pighin

With Mica Gherghescu, in charge of the development of research services at the Bibliothèque Kandinsky

October 10, 2022
The booking is closed
Les amis invite you to meet Aline Pighin, winner of the Mission Recherche 2022 grant, whose research topic is the Galerie-Librairie Palmes, founded by Hubert Deschamps, a retired colonial administrator. Its inauguration in 1948 was the occasion for the Afro-American writer Richard Wright to assert the obviousness of Negro art in a groundbreaking speech that was published in an issue of the Association Populaire des Amis des Musées (APAM). Although it seems to have been the site of a continuous tension between colonial networks and the APAM, the Galerie-Librairie Palmes stands at the intersection of black art and the plastic and literary avant-gardes of the post-war years. The research project aims to restore the centrality of the Galerie-Librairie Palmes in a movement of new narration of art history - detached in theory from the Euro-Western canon, towards a utopian and universalist whole-world.
This meeting will be followed by a visit of the permanent collections with the researcher.