Apocalypse, hier et demain

Apocalypse, hier et demain

With Jeanne Brun, Directrice adjointe du Musée national d’art moderne en charge des collections and curator of the exhibition

February 13
The booking is closed
The BnF presents the first major exhibition devoted to the apocalypse. The frightening and obscure word, apocalypse, has resonated in Western culture and society for the past two thousand years whenever a major catastrophe strikes. From the Middle Ages to the present day, the exhibition explores this imaginary world, featuring some of the most prestigious manuscripts of the Apocalypse of John, rarely-seen fragments of the famous Angers tapestry, and Dürer's famous suite of engravings dedicated to the text, but also numerous masterpieces, paintings, sculptures, photographs, installations, rare books and film extracts, from the Library's collections as well as from major French and European public and private collections (Centre Pompidou, Musée d'Orsay, British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, etc.).