Jackson Pollock, The Early Years

Jackson Pollock, The Early Years

With the curators of the exhibition

November 13, 2024
The booking is closed
The exhibition at the Musée national Picasso-Paris looks back at the early years of Jackson Pollock (1912-1956): from 1938, when his first works were influenced by Mexican muralists, to his first drippings in 1947. It aims to present these years in detail as they served as a sort of laboratory where the myth around the artist was born. By calling on a number of key figures in Pollock's career (John D. Graham, Lee Krasner, André Masson, Pablo Picasso, Janet Sobel...), the exhibition highlights the intensity and singularity of his work in its various dimensions (painting, printmaking, sculpture) through a chronological and thematic itinerary, emphasizing the highlights of this period.