With Aline Vidal, fondatrice du projet

May 24, 2024
The booking is closed
Conceived since 2018 by the Aline Vidal gallery team, this exhibition is an opportunity to forge a link between new activities, outside the art circuit, and artists around a theme inspired by the premises. This year, Galerie Aline Vidal is giving carte blanche to Horst Ademeit, Jean-Michel Alberola, Sophie Boursat, Nicolas Darrot, Shane Drinkwater, Gabriel Leger, Maldo Nollimerg and Annette Messager. The exhibition will take place in the homes of artisans from the Quartier d'Aligre in Paris. This historic Parisian district, nestling in the 12th arrondissement, is the new playground for a number of hand-picked artists at the 7th Edition of De(s)rives.