IC, GAX, MR // Georges Noel's studio

IC, GAX, MR // Georges Noel's studio

With Margit Rowell, wife of the artist and Michel Gauthier, conservateur au Service des collections contemporaines

December 12, 2023
The booking is closed
Close to informal art, gestural painting and lyrical abstraction, Georges Noël has always preserved his independence. From the outset, he has experimented with a wide range of techniques, inventing a new medium he calls his pictorial "magma" - a mixture of polyvinyl acetate, a glue that is particularly resistant when dry, ground sand or flint, and pure pigments. He works this singular material in the thickness of successive colored layers whose rough, grainy or velvety texture catches the eye and calls out to the hand. Incisions, graffiti, writing, superimpositions, tearing... reveal the primitive strata of the work and bear the imprint of his fascination for prehistoric, archaic and tribal cultures.